Non-traditional health answers & supplemental alternative healing.
Energy Testing Services
When you are physically unwell, not living your best life, and searching for answers to your health issues outside the traditional scope of medicine, I provide answers through energy testing. Energy testing is similar in theory to Contact Reflect Analysis (CRA).
What is Contact Reflect Analysis (CRA)?
CRA is “an energy connection. It is a technique that analyzes the energy that flows through every organ, gland and cell in the body. A shift in muscle response is used as an indicator of energy balance or imbalance in a particular area. Energy imbalance is the cause of disease in the body. The goal is to determine the means by which the energy is brought back into balance so healing can occur.” (Source: CRAWellness.com).
My service provides non-traditional health answers and supplemental alternative healing.
It is informative in nature, and therefore is not a medical diagnosis, prognostication, nor do I prescribe remedies for medical conditions. I am not a doctor, nor have I had any formal medical training. My education and training comes from the field of alternative healing.
With a succinct process and using knowledge brought in from Traditional Chinese Medicine, I test your body’s responses to energy flows.
To better understand energy testing, think of a lightbulb...
When you turn on a light switch, energy flows through the electrical wires into the lightbulb and the light turns on. However, if the bulb is burnt out (i.e. the filament inside the bulb is broken), there is an energy disruption. The light no longer works properly. In a similar fashion, the body has an electrical system that flows with energy, and effective energy testing can find the disruptions in your body’s natural flow that can lead to sickness and disease.
My process allows us to work directly with your energy meridians to discover energy disruptions that contribute to problems underlying your physical health. Through this process, I can clearly identify logical and analytical answers to your body’s health concerns.
Once those disruptions are discovered, I introduce remedies such as herbal supplements and nutrition, taking into account your current medications. We pay close attention to the effects in your body in order to learn how these remedies interact with your energy. From here, I can provide further guidance toward your healing. Our end goal is to balance and optimize your body.